macro_rules! describe { ( $t:ty, $spec:expr ) => { ... }; ( $t:ty, ( $( $ts:ty ),+ ), $spec:expr ) => { ... }; }
A macro
useful to run mruby specs. You can pass a tuple of MrubyFile
s dependencies
as a second argument.
use mrusty::{Mruby, MrubyFile, MrubyImpl, MrubyType}; struct Cont; impl MrubyFile for Cont { fn require(mruby: MrubyType) { mruby.def_class_for::<Cont>("Container"); } } describe!(Cont, (Cont, Cont), " context 'when 1' do subject { 1 } it { eql 1 } end context 'when 1' do subject { 1 } let(:one) { 1 } it 'won\\'t' do expect(1).to eql one end end ");